Red-breasted Flycatcher


The Red-Breasted Flycatcher (Ficedula parva) is a small migratory bird that captivates birdwatchers and ecologists with its vibrant plumage and melodious calls. Found in the temperate regions of Europe and Asia, this bird migrates to the Indian subcontinent during winters, making it a fascinating subject for studies in ornithology, ecology, and conservation. For UPSC aspirants, understanding the bird’s habitat, migratory patterns, and ecological significance provides insights into topics related to biodiversity, conservation, and environmental governance.

This eBook delves into the Red-Breasted Flycatcher’s characteristics, behavior, distribution, and its relevance in broader environmental and conservation contexts.

Taxonomy and Classification

  • Kingdom: Animalia
  • Phylum: Chordata
  • Class: Aves
  • Order: Passeriformes
  • Family: Muscicapidae
  • Genus: Ficedula
  • Species: F. parva

The bird is closely related to other flycatchers in the Ficedula genus, known for their small size and insectivorous diets.

Physical Characteristics

1. Size and Shape
  • The Red-Breasted Flycatcher is a small bird, about 12-13 cm in length.
  • It has a compact body, short legs, and a medium-length tail.
2. Plumage
  • Male: During the breeding season, males exhibit a striking orange-red throat and breast, with greyish upper parts and whitish underparts.
  • Female and Juveniles: Subtler plumage, with brownish-grey upper parts and pale underparts.
3. Distinctive Features
  • Males have a contrasting white eye-ring, which enhances their vibrant appearance.
  • The tail is often fanned out, displaying white patches that serve as a signaling mechanism during flight.

Habitat and Distribution

1. Breeding Range
  • The Red-Breasted Flycatcher breeds in temperate forests across Europe and western Asia, particularly in countries like Poland, Russia, and Scandinavia.
2. Wintering Range
  • During winters, it migrates to South Asia, including northern and central India, Pakistan, and Nepal.
  • It is commonly sighted in open woodlands, deciduous forests, and urban gardens in these regions.
3. Habitat Preferences
  • Prefers mixed forests with tall deciduous trees during the breeding season.
  • In wintering areas, it adapts to a variety of habitats, including scrublands and plantations.

Behavioral Ecology

1. Diet
  • Primarily insectivorous, feeding on small insects, spiders, and other arthropods.
  • Occasionally consumes berries and seeds, especially during migration when insects are scarce.
2. Foraging Techniques
  • Known for its agile movements, it captures insects mid-air or gleans them from leaves and branches.
  • Its foraging behavior helps control insect populations, maintaining ecological balance.
3. Migration
  • The species undertakes long-distance migration, traveling thousands of kilometers between its breeding and wintering grounds.
  • Migration patterns are influenced by seasonal changes, food availability, and climatic conditions.
4. Breeding Behavior
  • Builds nests in tree cavities or crevices.
  • The female lays 4-7 eggs, which are incubated for about two weeks.
  • Both parents participate in feeding and protecting the chicks.

Conservation Status

1. IUCN Status
  • Listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List due to its wide distribution and stable population.
2. Threats
  • Habitat Loss: Deforestation and urbanization pose significant risks to its breeding and wintering habitats.
  • Climate Change: Shifts in temperature and precipitation patterns affect its migratory routes and food availability.
  • Pesticides: Excessive use of pesticides in agriculture reduces insect populations, impacting its diet.
3. Conservation Measures
  • Protecting mixed forests and maintaining urban green spaces are crucial for its survival.
  • Cross-border conservation initiatives can address the challenges of its migratory nature.

Importance in Ecosystem

1. Pest Control
  • By feeding on insects, the Red-Breasted Flycatcher helps regulate pest populations in agricultural and forest ecosystems.
2. Indicator Species
  • Its presence and population trends provide insights into the health of forest ecosystems and the impact of climate change.
3. Ecotourism
  • As a migratory bird, it attracts birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts, contributing to local economies through ecotourism.

Government Initiatives and Policies

1. Wildlife Protection Act, 1972
  • Provides legal protection to bird species, including their habitats.
2. National Action Plan for Climate Change (NAPCC)
  • Aims to mitigate the impact of climate change on biodiversity, including migratory species like the Red-Breasted Flycatcher.
3. Bilateral Agreements
  • India participates in agreements like the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) to ensure the conservation of migratory birds across borders.
4. Protected Areas and Bird Sanctuaries
  • Sanctuaries like Keoladeo National Park in Rajasthan and Nalsarovar Bird Sanctuary in Gujarat serve as crucial wintering grounds for migratory birds.


Cyclones are a major natural hazard for India, with significant impacts on h

The Red-Breasted Flycatcher is more than just a charming visitor to India’s forests; it is a vital part of the ecosystem, contributing to pest control and serving as an indicator of environmental health. Its migratory journey reminds us of the interconnectedness of ecosystems across continents. For UPSC aspirants, studying this bird provides an opportunity to delve into topics of biodiversity, conservation, and sustainable development, equipping them with the knowledge to address questions on these critical themes.

By prioritizing conservation efforts and fostering awareness, we can ensure that this vibrant species continues to thrive and inspire future generations.

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